Lace Up is an IOS app that helps sport players and new comers to the city with building teams, booking fields and meeting new friends. With Lace Up you can create games, join games, send and receive invitations, leave games, create accounts and more. This project was a collaboration with a motion designer who created a video commercial for Lace Up. "The commercial is in the end of this page".
This was done as a graduate project at Vancouver Film School.
What to play
Where to play
When to play
Who to play with
Target audience
Primary: People who are new to the city.
Secondary: People who like to play recreational sports.
Adobe Xd, Sketch, Illustrator, Photoshop
Please check out the case study for this project
Mind map with illustrator
I began my research with interviewing people who are new to the city and people who play sports to get a better understanding of what are their exact goals and needs.
Data points
I created an online survey and gathered all the information in an XL sheet.
Journey map
I created a journey map in order to understand the journey of my users and how they set up games and build teams without my platform.
Mental model
User flows
Card sorting
Wireframes version 1
Wireframes version 2
Colour pallet
Iconography design
Prototyping with Adobe Xd
User interface
Create game flow
Join game, invite friends, add and chat with friends
Commercial by Sujen Bajracharya
Portfolio website: http://sujenbajracharya.com/

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